Advanced Funeral Planning

Advanced Funeral Planning

Most of us plan for the events we expect to face in our lives… family, education for our children, retirement. When we plan, we usually try to find out as much information as we can so that we can make informed decisions. Making plans ahead of time for the one event that we all know our loved one’s will face, our own passing, should be no different. Take care of all the funeral pre-arrangement details and give you and your family the peace-of-mind you deserve.

The Basics of Planning

Creating awareness is important. Sound decisions are made after first gathering vital, important information to help make that decision. Why? So that we are not forced to make hurried and sometimes regretful choices.

Even though talking about funeral planning may be difficult, we owe it to every family to let them know what current choices and options are available. Planning in advance allows you to make informed and sound decisions together with your family, so that everyone can have the peace of mind that your wishes are known and being followed. Whether you wish to ask a question, record information, or make decisions ahead of time, we are always here to help.

The most important part of planning in advance is to simply gather your information and make the difficult choices that need to be made. This ensures that your loved-ones will not have to make those difficult decisions and choices and will be able have a personal service in your memory without missing some piece of vital information about you.

Where Do I Begin

With communication. With your family, with a friend, or with us. It may be a difficult conversation to start, but once you do, you may be surprised at the number of things that your loved ones didn’t know about what you want. The main purpose of Advanced Funeral Planning is peace of mind, for you, and for your loved ones. Communication is the first step.

It can be intimidating to make that first phone call to discuss pre-planning, so many people join us at one of the seminars that we give on the topic in the area. We have spoken at church group meetings, senior centers, and libraries. Response has been very positive, and many people feel comfortable asking questions and discussing the subject in a group setting. Give us a call to see when our next scheduled seminar is going to be.

If you would like to go another step and discuss your wishes individually with us, or perhaps even get some plans for a service together, give us a call. Some people invite us into their homes to ask questions and make arrangements, others are happy to visit us at either of our two locations. Either way, we are always at your service and willing to answer any questions you have. If you would like us to help, call us or send us an email using the Contact Us form
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