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(203) 735-0111
253 Elizabeth Street
(203) 735-5330
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Edward F. Adzima Funeral Home
253 Elizabeth Street
Derby, CT 06418
(203) 735-0111
Fax: (203) 725-5330
Directions from New Haven via I-95
Take the Downtown New Haven Exit off I-95
Follow North Frontage Rd. to the Boulevard.
Take a Right.
At the next Traffic Light take a Left onto Derby Ave. (Rt. 34) West.
Follow Rt. 34 to the center of Derby.
When you reach St. Michael's Church, at the traffic light you will take a Left to stay on Rt. 34 and go over the Bridge.
Go under Rt. 8 Overpass, still on Rt. 34.
At the 3rd light take a Right onto Elizabeth Street.
The funeral home is four blocks on the Right.
Directions from Bridgeport
Travel Rt. 8 N. to Exit 15.
Left at end of exit onto Rt. 34
Travel straight through first light.
At the 3rd light take a Right onto Elizabeth Street.
The funeral home is four blocks on the Right.
Directions from Waterbury
Travel Rt. 8 S. to Exit 17 (Seymour Ave.).
Take a Right at the stop light at the end of the Exit.
Go to the next stop sign, and bear to the right as the road splits.
The funeral home will be approximately 200 yards on your Left.
Directions from NY via I-95
I-95 North to Exit 27A (Rt. 25/Rt. 8 Connector).
Stay to the Right to follow Rt. 8 North.
Travel Rt. 8 N. to Exit 15.
Left at end of exit onto Rt. 34
Travel straight through first light.
At the 3rd light take a Right onto Elizabeth Street.
The funeral home is four blocks on the Right.
Directions from NY via Hutchinson Pkwy
Hutchison Parkway (Rt. 15) North becomes Merritt Parkway in Connecticut.
Follow Rt. 15 Merritt Parkway North to Exit 52 for Rt. 8 North.
Travel Rt. 8 N. to Exit 15.
Left at end of exit onto Rt. 34
Travel straight through first light.
At the 3rd light take a Right onto Elizabeth Street.
The funeral home is four blocks on the Right.
Directions from NY State/Danbury
Rt. 84 towards Waterbury.
Take Exit for Rt. 34 East (towards New Haven/Derby).
Cross over Stevenson Dam and continue on Rt. 34.
Stay on Rt. 34 East for several miles
Stay on Rt. 34 East for several miles.
Stoplight and Bridge to Shelton on Right is reference point.
Take Left at next set of lights onto Elizabeth Street.
The funeral home is four blocks on the Right.
Directions from Mass via I-90
I-90 South to Rt. 84 West towards Waterbury.
Take exit in Waterbury for Rt. 8 South.
Travel Rt. 8 S. to Exit 17.
Take a Right at the stop light at the end of the Exit.
Go to the next stop sign, and bear to the right as the road splits.
The funeral home will be approximately 200 yards on your Left.
Directions from Mass via I-91
I-91 South through Hartford.
Continue on I-91 through Meriden and pick up Merritt Parkway (Rt. 15) South.
Take Exit 58 off Rt. 15 onto Rt. 34 West.
Follow Rt. 34 to the center of Derby.
When you reach St. Michael's Church, at the traffic light you will take a Left to stay on Rt. 34 and go over the Bridge.
Go under Rt. 8 Overpass, still on Rt. 34.
At the 3rd light take a Right onto Elizabeth Street.
The funeral home is four blocks on the Right.
(203) 735-0111
253 Elizabeth Street
(203) 735-5330
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