The Edward F. Adzima Funeral Home serves Derby and the surrounding communities with dedication and compassion. After two generations of service by the Adzima family, the Edward F. Adzima Funeral Home remains family owned and operated by the Sheehy, Haywood, and Pagliaro families, and together continue a legacy of service to the Valley.
We have a proud history of providing professional and compassionate service, and are dedicated to providing each and every family we serve with the care and attention that they deserve during their time of need.
If you cannot find a service or obituary that you are looking for, consider checking theRiverview Funeral Home.
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365 Days of Healing
Grieving doesn't always end with the funeral: subscribe to our free daily grief support email program, designed to help you a little bit every day, by filling out the form below.
52 Weeks of Support
It's hard to know what to say when someone experiences loss. Our free weekly newsletter provides insights, quotes and messages on how to help during the first year.